Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Da Vater Code VI: “I Placed a [Watering Can] in Tennessee”

It took many weeks of watching the Smitty drinking from the watering can --

(which actually has a fulfilling life qua watering can for the Misters’ various herbs, flowers, plants, etc. don’t get me wrong – the can is not some cutesy prop expressly placed for the Smitty’s delectation)

(nor is the can a fictional construct around which to build, pearl-like, the story of the Smitty’s drinking habits.)

(“In fact, get the art dept on the blower and get us a photo of that can, STAT!”)

--to discover another, dare I say SECRET, reason for why the Smee has swtichified to the outside water source rather than sticking with the inside water delivery system (see previous blogs for tedious descriptions of same).

And that secret other reason for the switcheroo is…

To Be Continued

(due to the fact that we have reached the “blog barrier” – the maximum length a blog entry can be without becoming a tedious, self-involved drag on the reader’s time.)

Friday, February 16, 2007

Perpetratin’ Them Dang Winderboxes (Redux)

The eponymous main character of which we sing likes to go up into them there winderboxes and plop his Smittiness down will-he nil-he on whatever happens to be trying to grow in there.

To add insult (to us) to the injury (to the plants), he lounges in such a way as to spread out his flanks, his haunches, his back forty to a hideously wide proportion, filling the windowbox from rim to rim with a plump blanketation of Smittiness.

Such luxuriously shameless behavior could cause alarm amongst The Misters … … except that the Smitty’s cuteness usually serves to calm The Misters.