Monday, October 27, 2008

Going Over the Smitty with a Fine Tooth Comb

Mister Smitty likes to be combed!

The Smitty, like royalty of yore, is wont to have his back scratched (and head, cheeks, chest, tail, etc.)

(I guess the tail IS the “etc.”).

The Misters cleave to the totally crunchy and organic practice of No Flea Collar – which means The Smitty is free stylin’ (yeah, yeah).

(For the abortive -- and nearly fatal -- flea collar episode, refer to Blog entry # B0Z0-QWERTY-812-DIDU?)


Thus, one combs The Smee every other day – and finds fleas. The finding of the aforesaid fleas confirms the effectiveness of the aforesaid combing, thus concluding the aforesaid discussion, entry, blog, website, corporate headquarters, storied headwaters, mystical hindquarters, world, universe, grain of sand, etc.

(I guess we ARE the “etc.”)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dr. Smitty

Mister Smitty is a magical smitty!

The Smitty exercises his magical powers of healing by climbing up and sleeping on that part of a mister that needs mending.

When That Mister had his car accident, The Smitty repaired his chests; when he has restless leg, the Smitty sleeps on his leg.

That Mister told his niece about The Smitty’s magical powers. She said,

“He must have been a doctor before.”

Still is, yo!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tricky Smitty and the Case of the Fallen Down Tree

Mister Smitty knocked down a tree!
The big wattle tree that used to shade the hammock and sitting area known as “Alice” fell down last night!
[“last night” refers to the night prior to the penning, not the publishing, of this entry, and thus must be taken metaphorically. It’s kind of like “on the ‘third day,’ God created…” – ed.]
It was a mighty big, mighty old tree!
And where was the Smitty?
Conspicuously absent! (uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah.)
Got an alibi?
(Always blaming the Communists…)
In the morning, This Mister inspectified the site of the “timber!”-i-zation-ation. The Smitty, feigning innocence, accompanied This Mister. He clumbed up into the tree and checked out ever smaller and smaller branches.
(If he became stuck, it would not require the fire department since the tree was now sideways.)
Then he clumb down and inspectified the roots and under the trunk where the menehune live.
You know what they say about having to return to the scene of the crime!