Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Daily Sched’ Part II: The Shank of the Evening

Once the sun has set, the Smitty is so exhausted by that ecstatic vision that he remains in the faux heather until the smells of the Misters’ cooking tingles his “jaded” appetite.

If he is not still completely blessed out, the Smitty inspects said smells around 8 PM, deems them humanish and thus ridiculous, and may take a light snack from his dish.

There’s no more Smee until 9:30 or 10 PM when he comes to sleep on this misters’ lap for an hour of gentle purring.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Daily Sched’ Part I: The Daily Cause

Mister Smitty is on vacation! -- or so it seems from his daily sched’:

At sunrise, he plops down to catch some rays. When he gets too hot he goes for the shade under the BBQ grill then back out in the heavily-trafficked spot on the deck for more sun and stretching and general in-the-way-ness.
By mid-morning it’s too hot, so the Smee retires to the shady jade plants where he often remains until it is time to dress for dinner. In summer, the Smee likes to dine late (5 PM) instead of his usual 3:30 PM (Paparazzi please take note).

After an after dinner drink on the deck, the Smee heads up to Faux Scotland (behind the guava) to nestle in the hearther-ish stuffs and watch the sunset.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Mister Smitty doesn’t read his blogs!

Attempts to engage the Smee in his own stories have repeatedly failed. Photos of the Smee walking on the computer keys or tracking across spiral notebooks full of blog entries have brought no reaction.

He is “over it” [as are most of our readers –ed.].

“Yo, this blog is like so 5 meows ago.!”