Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sly Maneuvers

Mister Smitty likes to divide and conquer!

Like a child who’s learned to play one parent against the other, the Smitty will pull any and all of his cute maneuvers

(for a complete list of same, see “The Whole Smee Cat (a log)” )

a wink, a figure 8 weaving of the legs, a gentle “mao” etc. – in order to get the scratching/combing/brushing/feeding/watering or lap-riding he feels he so richly deserves.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Name of the Smee, Part IV

Crowds gathered (and chanting madly) have now been determined to be not so much in wait of the Smitty’s first name being revealed (soon, soon) but in opposition to the continuance of this drawn-out miniseries, indulging our time and frustrating the quickly dwindling readership of our fan(s?).

With that in mind, let us proceed then to knock down the door (incite riot here) plunge inside, and –

-- but there’s no one here! They’ve all gone: taken the secret name and vamoosed the camp. They’ve even taken the camp: there’s no building here anymore in which a slot can deliver the secret name, I, your trusty reporter am likewise no longer --
[at this point the transmission cuts off – ed.]

Friday, April 08, 2011

The Name of the Smee, Part Three


Possible first names in the mix include nicknames (or the “speakable” names of the Smee) culled from the vast archives:

The Smitty, The Smee, Mr. Smee, The Smit-ational Device, Comrade Smitski, Xmi-te, Bruddah Smee, Monsieur Smitte, etc.

Of these, experts posit that the truth lies somewhere in the mid “L” -- but experts have been unable to locate the “L’ and so perhaps are misguided.

We’ll take this break and be back as soon as a paper is waved through that slot indicating the posting of the unspeakable (first) name of the Smee is spoken (on paper).
Roger, is that white smoke I’m seeing issuing from the relevant chimney?

The Name of the Smee, Part IV