Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Social Just Us

Mister Smitty is a social climber!

He climbed up the monolith (kind of like the black monolith in 2001: a Space Odyssey but painted orange and full of shelves) to perch on a palette of Perrier ©, to peek between jars of pasta sauce, to nose the cylinders of canned air, etc.

“Mister, he movin’ on up t’ the East Side, yo, to a D-lux orange- monolith in d-sky.”

“That, or he’s on rat patrol.”

(The Misters have had several Close Encounters of the Vermin Kind in and about the monolith’s nooks and crannies.)

You go, Mister Smee!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Mister Smitty has been scarred!

[obviously, from living with obsequiously attentive Misters – ed.]

“No, G: he’s got battle scars.”

And they are spectakulah: all upside his face (trans.: top of his head, just under the ear).

Attempts to apply Neosporin © were erased five minutes later by The Smee, scrappin’ to protect his turf, fightin’ for his right … to POTTY!

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Dirty Smitty & The Case of the Big Rain

Mister Smitty is a dirty smiity!

After the big rain he came mewing back to the porch all striped up with dirt like a tiger

Though not wet! Curious…

A little blood on his face (right whiskers) was a conundrum for his handlers and press people until This Mister spied a small black cat picking his way through the wet tall grass from whence came the dirty striped Smee!

Did the rain force The Smee to defend his territory? Did one of his peeps do him dirty?

Scar-struck Mister Smitty has been scarred!

[obviously, from living with obsequiously attentive Misters – ed.]

“No, G: he’s got battle scars.”

And they are spectakulah: all upside his face (trans.: top of his head, just under the ear).

Attempts to apply Neosporin © were erased five minutes later by The Smee, scrappin’ to protect his turf, fightin’ for his right … to POTTY!