Tuesday, February 17, 2015

(In)tuition Remission Part 1: Mystery Revealed (but not solved)

“They know when you’re a-leavin.”
(-- cherished wisdom about how cats can tell if you’re going away 4 minutes, 4 hours, or 4 ever)
Mister Smitty can see the future!
When The Misters head out for breakfast “downstairs,” The Smee barely bats an eye.
But when they head out for a day “downcountry,” The Smee leads them up the path to the car and watches them pull out. His eyes follow them all the way out.
(of course it might be because The Misters are waving stupidly and yelling their goodbyes)
“Mister, how can The Smee tell when we’re going away for a long time vs. not?”
Mister, that is a question that shall have to be solved by – meta-narratively speaking – different Misters in a future blog post.”
“Oh, I see,” said That Mister (as the veils dropped all around him).