Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Mister Smitty FAQS

In an effort to make this blogsite more interactive (a directive from “Product Improvement” has made the writers sit up and look busy), we posit and answer what we theorize are our dear reader(s?) most pressing FAQS:
Q: Why is The Smee so cute?
A: Science tells us that good breeding and a fine coat are factors, but that much of The Smee’s putative cuteness is derived from the human perception of beauty in things like symmetry, color, cleanliness and the excellent treatment of The Smee by his Misters.
Q: Why is The Smee such a good Smee?

A: See above.

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Mister Smitty and the Case of the Disappearing Smells

The Smitty was flummoxed:
“Where’d those smells go? We got ourselves a sensory-deprivation sich-a-manation up’n here!”
Alerting his peeps-posse to nose out the quickly disappearing rugs, objets d’art, tchotchke and useless effluvia, The Smitty focused his attention on the curious behaviors of his Misters, who were seen to be stuffing everything into boxes and hauling it off in that truck they are frequently wont to disappear in.

“Something fishy going on,” surmises The Smee.