Friday, March 31, 2017

Nerve on a ... (part 1)

Mister Smitty likes his Smee juice!

The addition of the monthly high-end flea-off compound (delivered by high-end veterinary establishments and purveyors of high-end goods) ends on a high: the Smee is flea-free!
It’s almost a musical moment!

“Oh, what a ceiling!
“C’mon baby (un)light my fire.”

The Smee can now experience a full release from samsarry-ass flea-bitten existence!

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Paws Butt-in

Mister Smitty likes to take his waters in the bathroom. The tiles are cooling on his wee paw-pads. Old cat saying: “pause where the paws are coolest.”

Much opprobrium and brouhaha has gone down to discover the paws that refreshes
(this pun is under construction).

[Can we cut the funding so the “construction” never finishes? -- ed.]

(this, but a pause in the greater story).

[I hope. Any story would be “greater” than this one! -- ed.]