Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Yawn of the Dead

The Misters are a crashing bore!

“I can barely stay awake,” divulges the Smee.
(Much yawning and sleeping of the Smee abounds <>)
What’s an inquisitive public to think (especially with a cat that sleeps 18 of 24 hours)?

“Mister, are we boring?”
“Mister, IDK. Let’s sit and think about it for, like, two weeks.”
“Sounds fun!”

The Smee :“See what I mean?”

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Bloody Matins

Mister Smitty enjoys concerts!

-- Bird concerts, of a morning, that is. The delicate “twittery-tweet-tweet,” the raucous “ki-ki-ri-ki”, the existentially poignant “po-tuit,” the plaintively wahhabi-sobby “ugu-et-su”...

“Yeah,” opines the Smee, “ I like to listen to their delicate songs … then kill ‘em and eat ‘em!”