Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Power of Prayer

Mister Smitty likes to pray!
“Mister, The Smitty is a very prayerful smitty.”
“Mister, what’s he praying for?”
(Let’s listen in, shall we? (dreamy music, blurry dissolve…))
“Yo, I’m praying for peace, love, and understanding.”
“Mister, the Smee is cute when he prays.”

“That’s ‘cos I prayed for some cuteness -- and I got it!”

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Homie Soit, Qui Miao y Pense

Mister Smitty defends his honor!
“Mister, I do believe we are experiencing a catfight up in here.”
With that, That Mister boldly sprang into action to defend The Smee from his screeching nemesis.
Meantime, The Smee, racing to safety with ears fear-flattened back upon’s wee head, wide-eyed and busy-tailed, was most appreciative for the intervention.
“Mister, his human peeps showed up as his muscle.”

“Yeah. What he said,” said the tuckered-out, hunkered-down Smee.