Friday, July 28, 2006

Mr. Smitty vs. Mr. Wilson

The charming Mr. Wilson –“Chonch dog!” said That Mister-- was perpetratin’ the Smitty with his barkings and circlings of The Misters’ house. The Smitty had to repair to the top of the fridge and sit bug-eyed all day!

This Mister said,“The bad dog should be spanked!” That Mister agreed: “Chonch-ass dog…”

Later The Smitty layed hisself on Mister’s side of the bed so he could look out the window and be safe from the charmingly – chonch! – Mr. Wilson. The Bad Lady finally called her dog –“Bebi? Bebi! Bebi!” (“Chonch-i! Chonch-i!") and put him in his pen so the Smitty could come out to the porch and watch the bad dog from his safe perch. Good Mister Smitty!

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