Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Fabulousy Blog, Age 2, Celebrates Anniversary

Put on your party hats, yo’s!

This venerable old blog is 2 years ol’

We at the executive offices (confetti floating in our cocktails) can only speak for ourselves, but we hope we speak for all of the Mister Smitty © family of companies when we say thank you for being out there, you, our gentle reader(s?) and for your support over these two long years.

What a journey it has been! What an endless stream of words and pictures have come to clutter our walls and minds and hearts, stopping up the access and passage to rewards, clogging our systems like so much mental plaque, taxing our hearts, eating up our time….even as I write these heartfelt thanks my heart feels tanked. I’m all choked up (literally). A warm and fuzzy vision fills my whole being and I feel surrounded by overwhelming warmth. I…uh…ah! …I …oh!…

[He was so choked up he was unable to continue. We wish him the best! Send cards and flowers to ICU.]

1 comment:

Marik said...

No one could be more deserving.