Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Training, Brah

Mister Smitty has The Misters trained!

When the Smitty goes to the door…(duh!) The Misters open it for him!

“Hey, Mister: The Smitty like go outside.”

“Shoots!” (opens door)

The Smitty, dumfounded by his luck in having found such malleable, compliant humans, pauses to drink in his good fortune. In that pause, the humans start to suspect they are being played.

“Yo, we being played up in here!”

“Damn right!”

“This buh-shee is buh-shee, no’m sayin’?”

“Mister Smitty, you be perpetratin’ us!”

But Mr. Smitty pays no attention to the incessant and pathetic whining of his human master/servants.

Who has time for that?

1 comment:

Roberta said...

Mr. Smitty
I think you are suffering from the opposite of catophobia. You need to stop meeee owing.
You have been contemplating your paws too long and frankly you are boring. Try taking a cat nap.
Yours truly, Mocha