Monday, November 24, 2008

Not a “Peep”

Mister Smitty has no Peeps!

You never actually see Mister Smitty and his Peeps together at the same time.

Example: Yesterday the Peeps were fighting; Mr. Smitty was above the fray (literally, yo: he was up on the railing). When This Mister went out to investimigate, he saw only the randy-ass whitish-brown tail of the Faux-Princess smitty

[please refer to blog entry #___, “The Compleat Catalogue of Mr. Smitty’s Peeps, vol 1”]

sauntering off under the house (where lurked, by the way, the fiesty and furry chocolate “Jackie” brown Blaxploitation cat)

But where was the Mini-Me smee?

All three of Mr. Smitty’s peeps have never actually been seen at once: you

[Editors at this point must step in to limit the length of this entry so as to preserve readership #s from slipping below 1 gazillion. – eds]

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