Friday, July 23, 2010

Quantum Smythics

Parallel smitties in super-imposition with the so-called “actual” Smitty are (quantum-physically speaking) legion.

One such posited smitty (the “peep” formerly known as the Little Black Smitty) is now theorized to be the so-called “actual” Smitty but in a red-shi(f)t effect where what’s white looks black and versa-vice.

Therefore it must also be posited that the so-called “actual” Smitty (still our hero) may actually be one of his own “peeps.”

[Cut to: glowing Mobius strips in space, chrono-synclastic infundibula, cats swirling vicious figure 8’s betwixt one’s legs, the last reel of “2001” etc.]

Or in other (ancient) words, The Smee that can be named is not the true Smee.

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