Thursday, August 05, 2010

Dismembereds Only

Mister Smitty ate a bird!

This is the 2nd or 3rd recorded “birding” of the Smee [Get Archives on the blower].

He was discombobulated while drinking his water and forced to pursue the pesky disturb-ating birds who were disporting theyselves in the large spikey plant [Greenus Spikeythingus].
The Smitty dove headfirst into the aforesaid plant and grabbed the aforesaid bird. Eschewing the porch as a place to chew the aforesaid,

(“Get your four paws on Terra Firma, Jack!” – old cat saying)

-- The Smee proceeded to plink plink plink his way down the steps to his “killing floor”

-- his sacred precinct of avian (or rodentian) dismemberment and consumptionation.

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