Monday, July 18, 2011

Fizz Ed.

A distinguished think tank (with a few whizz kids thrown in to upset the pipe-smoking bearded types therein) have been tasked with exploring the possible past, future, and parallel lives being lived by The Smitty.

Was he a human in a past life, trying to contact us with info? A request? Or are we limiting our imaginations to paltry anthropomorphizing for our own aggrandizement?

[multisyllabic Latinate word alert? –ed.]

[distracting interruption alert? – other ed.]

[somebody’s got too short an attention span for speculative inquiries, huh? -- ed.]

[or somebody’s a dilletantish sycophant enthralled by big word-tossers! – other ed.]

TO BE CONTINUED (oh, great: the exciting “Battle of the [--ed]s”)

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