Much tizzy-ing, tussling, and twitter-pating ensued (as The Misters waited for the re-biopsy of deeper Smitational ear tissues gleaned from the scabrous nubbin).
“Does The Smee have a living will -- or a will to live?”
“What would he look like without ears -- tragically snipp?”
“Hello, is this The Misters?”
“Who wants to know, yo?”
“It’s the Vet.”
(That crash you hear is my stomach dropping).
“We can’t find any cancer.”
Haloo! Hurray!
The floors of the executive offices burst into ecstatic hoopla as writers, et al. jump up and down on their desks in celebration of The Smee’s apparent health.
And so the delusion of immortality extends its all-too-short-a lease another day...