Mister Smitty like to get down!
When something is up in the ‘hood (mice, birds, his peeps) the Smee hunkers down and speeds himself across, around, and betwixt on the “down low.”
“Mister Smitty is getting down in the ‘hood.”
“Mister, the Smee gives the ‘down low’ a literal twist.”
“Mister, literally.”
“Mister, exactly. Literally exactly literally.”
[Ed.: what’s next? Beckettian phrase-errie? “Imagination dead imagine”?]
“I’ll tell you ‘what’s next’ -- what I’d like to see: death of literary allusions up in the ‘hood. I’d like to see quippy-dippiness go on the ‘down low’ -- so low we can’t hear it!”