Friday, February 03, 2017

Met ‘em Psychosis

The Smee is like a cocktail onion!

Cute, round, and white, the Smee/cocktail onion charms one due to his/its unearthly pseudo-albino-inity (to indulge in some Greek roots).

[Ed.: Reader, beware: the writer of this entry fancies himself a cunning linguist and cocktail onion enthusiast]

“What? You think I’m going to break into song, quoting Sappho and the Greek Fragments?”

(Note to self: Why not? The blogosphere’s memory is, like, 2 weeks. “And still not forgot? Why then a great man’s memory might outlive him half a year.”)

Yes, but i’ the 21st Century, who can wait that long to find out?

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