Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Resurrection (of The Smee’s Potty Palace)

Faced with the impossible vet request for precious Smee-stool,
The Misters devised a devious resurrection: The Smee’s old litter box!
Fetched up from downstairs in the dirt, filthy and forlorn, the green litter box
(replete with ancient litter)
was newly re-ensconced in the clothes closet next to the laundry basket
(where it was wont to reside in ancient times).

The plan: reintroduce The Smee to his former bower,
invite him to relive precious mem’ries, old home week, etc.,
get him to pinch a wee loaf ...
-- more like a micro eclair --
-- a Vienna (blood) sausage --
-- a [can you two -- literally -- cut the shit? --ed.]

… and then whisk the precious cargo off to the vet!  

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