Monday, October 29, 2007

Sunburned II: The Final Solution

We rejoin the Misters in mid-hair (-pulling) as they run about the yard fretting about the black spots that have appeared on the Smitty’s ears

(which unbeknownst to them – but not to us – is the result of sunburn)

The Misters quickly pick up the bat phone (I mean “cat” phone) and speed dial The Blossom (aka. Ms. Fabulous) Cat Expert Extraordinaire

“Rub suntan lotion on his ears.”

(sighs of relief, “O Thank God”s, etc.)

“and on his nose, too, if he’ll let you. I had a cat once…

[fill in your own gory details]

“…eventually he had no nose – just two holes.”

Then The Blossom got all scientifical:

“Tipandectomy—“ (or something like that. Check the surveillance tapes, willya?)

“—where they have to cut part of the cat’s ears off. Have you ever seen…?”

No, I certainly have not – thank you very much! (wrapping my shawl about me and shuddering)

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