Friday, June 13, 2008

It’s All About (S)me(e)

The Misters are coming around to the conclusion that it’s all about Mister Smee.

The Misters, you see, exist in order to:

Feed the Smitty

Pet the Smitty

Talk to the Smitty

Sing about the Smitty

Write about the Smitty

Otherwise, The Misters find activities to fill up the remaining (non-Smitty-orientated) moments of their lives with crafts, hobbies, pastimes, hijinks, sleep, etc.

[actually, not to be metaphysical or meta-fictional or nothing, but “The Misters” as a fictional construct do not “fill up” extra-Smittational portions of their imputed “lives” with “activities” since they only “exist” to do or say the things written herein – ed.]

[Don’t you mean “ed.”? – other ed.]

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