Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Sneaky Smitty and the Pursuit of the Dish

Like a theoretical mathematician chasing unreal numbers, The Smitty follows a wiley fractal-like path to stalk and snare his cat food dish!

Well-versed in Chaos Theory, The Smee approaches his dish every which way but directly:

He must jump up to the desk (under which lies the sneaky dish), walk across it, jump down, then jump up to the coffee table across from the dish.

“Mister, He’s surrounding it.”

Then he jumps down to the dish and circles behind it.

“Mister, he’s sneakin’ up on it from the side!”

Just when the poor dish is in a whirl, a tizzy, completely discombobulated, The Smitty curls around to the front and feasts!

“Mister, The Smitty always gets his dish!”

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