Monday, July 09, 2012

Nose News is God News

Mister Smitty’s nose is 50 times smarter!

“Than your’n? Or … mour’n? Mister, I did not know that.”

“He’s got like parallel universes of smell stacked up alongside ours – no wonder it takes him so long to mosey on over. Always sniffin’ stuff out, playing referee to four dozen planes of existence we can’t smell.

“But wait: for his nose to be 50 times stronger. We’d have to be 49 times dumber to start with.

“Mister, do the math.”

“Mister, I just did.”

“Mister, it’s not arithmetical; it’s what-uh-yuh-kallit, Malthusian. You know, like hundredth-monkey, interdependent arising, stock market algorythmics- stuff.

Oh, that.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Future Olympic Curling Champion’s Career Thwarted!

Mister Smitty likes to be warm!
                When The Misters got their stand-up, metal-hatted porch heater… The Smee was not far behind.
                “Mister, it’s like the Ye Olde Hearth, with the cat all curled upside it.”
                “Like in a wee children’s book. Of yore.”
                “Cept this heater’s got a scorching coolie hat thingy that’ll toast his little pink paw pads like steaks on the Barbie, mate.”
                “No warm and fuzzy (Olympic?) hearth-curling, for you, Mr. Smee!”