Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Still Restless

Flummoxed by the worsening condition in The Misters of RHS (Restless Human Syndrome), The Smee has decided to seek professional advice from The Compleat Caterwauling Catalog of Cat Concatenations, 7th Edition 

-- except that The Misters do not own this cat-friendly multivolume encyclopedia, so The Smee had to consult an online version of all-things-human-that-a-cat-needs-to-know, called Catscan.cat --
Amongst many informative articles about the bizarrities of human behavior (why they like to pet cats, why they speak to them as wee children, why they eat such a variety of repulsive foods, drink spoiled liquids, and stare endlessly at objects that have no interest in terms of smell) one finds the following entry about their restlessness:

[Enough already! I’m restless reading this! – ed.]

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