We’re back
with continuing (tedious) coverage of the Beiging Olympics (it is, after all,
an Olympian task to beige the world, but the march toward the blending down of
everything to a uniform beige is the way the phenomenal world’s cookie
crumbles. And hey, you can’t unstir the cream from the coffee, so –
The Smee is a top contender in
“The Flop,” headed for the medal, but what other events is he competing in,
Mister, he’s in the
“Car-Smelling” Competition, the “Gleeful 100-foot Scamper,” but I’d say to
watch for him in the “Flowerbox Medley.”
What’s that, Mister?
It involves sleeping in
flowerboxes with all sorts of plants growing in them.
Mister, is that dangerous?
Only for the plants.