Wednesday, February 07, 2018

By the Misters of Babble-on

Is The Smee savoring his final days in Babylon?
(for a full chanting-down of the Misters’ purgatorial sojourn in their Babylonian captivity,
see “Bleached Bardo ... )
[Enough! No one wants to go back and read that drivel -- ed.]
[any more than they want to read this drivel? -- other ed.]
[stunned silence of “ed.”]
As the Misters vamoose themselves to Higher Ground --
with their much-vaunted material goods, each, for The Smee,
with its own nostalgic aroma --
The Smee takes the opportunity to lay down some tracks:

“Three Little Birds (I Killed and Ate)”
“No Human, No Cry”
“Exodus: Movement of My Misters”

“Relocation Song”

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