Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Mr Smitty is a very polite smitty!

When he wants to go in or out, he goes to the screen door and just sits. He doesn’t look around for a dumb human to hurry up and catch on (“Hel-LO!”). He doesn’t mew and miaoux or yip. He doesn’t walk in little circles...figure 8’s actually, Cats seems to walk the infinity sign when they are waiting for a bus or for some dumb human to -- “Hel-LO!!” – figure out that they would like very much now to be attended to, thank you very much.

The Help these days, please!

The Smitty’s polite Door behavior is the result of:

a) his ability to hide his disdain in politeness

b) his immense gratitude for being taken in in the first place
(this is The Misters’ favorite choice)

c) his naturally polite, well-balanced, calm personality/age

d) genuine perplexification with the mysteries of the door itself

e) other? (fill in your response)

1 comment:

Sany said...

Mister Smitty Frequently Asked Questions.
Mister Smitty, if you were having a dinner party, what 7 individuals would you invite?
Mister Smitty, how many lives did you have originally, and how many are left?
Mister Smitty, Case or Akaka?
Mister Smitty, is it true some of the incidents in your blog were fictionalized?
Mister Smitty, how in the hell did you get up there this time?
Mister Smitty, what's your opinion on RED CHINA?
Mister Smitty, is Paris burning?
Mister Smitty, paper or plastic?
Chicken or beef?