Previously on “Plastic Trash Bag Mystery”…
Running and chasing music over which we see…
[action shot of the Mister carrying a full bag of trash toward camera (Mr. Smitty POV)]
[special effect re-enactment of the wind hitting the bamboo roll-up blind and making it flap up and knock the poinsettia off of the past bowl pedestal and splaying its red leaves across the black tabletop like blood (Mr. Smitty POV again)]
[Close up of hideously tacky blue pasta bowl with painted foods along its rim – which is scalloped – I mean, PLEASE!)]
Meanwhile, Voiceover: (the thinly disguised voice of This Mister doing his various accents:
“Why it gotta be White?”
“What-en them red leaves gotten to dur with it all?… and what is so all-fire tacky bout this’n here bowl?”
[shot of a white plastic trash bag careening and spinning up toward the camera (as newspapers would do in days of old and films of yore) while we hear the canned sound of anguished meows]
(end of re-cap).
This episode:
The Misters whistling happily “doo-duh-doo”
“Nothing mysterious here!”
“Ass’right. Hain’t no mysteriousnesses uppin’ here!”
“Know’m sayin’?”
This mister gets out a new trashbag and steps out to the porch where the Smitty (unbeknownst to him) is standing over by shoeland.
(The Misters have dialogue here but it is – as usual —irrelevant)
With one quick motion I open the bag and –
--the Smitty takes off frightened!
Why is the Smitty scared of an EMPTY trash bag?
And now those dreaded words…
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