Thursday, September 21, 2006

Plastic Trash Bag Mystery, pt. 1

The Smitty is scared of the white plastic trash bags! (“why that, G? because they white?”)

This Mister was taking out the trash from under the sink and rounding the corner of the porch when Mr. Smitty saw the full trash bag and vamoosed hisself the hell outta’ there.

Ok, no problem, it’s a large object coming at him – of course he’s scared.

“No mystery there! Heh, heh.”

It’s like when the wind blows the flapping roll-up blind in over the table and knocks the poinsettia plant off of the tackily-painted pasta bowl (inverted to be its base). The crashing red leaves scare off the Smitty, too.
(“and not cuz dey be red, yo”)

(“no sir, but the tackily-pernted pasta bowl scares me plenty, I can tell u—“)


But the cats-are-scared-of-large-objects-coming-at-them scenario is NOT it: the REAL mystery is that the Smitty is scared of an …

(--this exciting mystery to be continued--)

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