I read the secret code inside the Smitty’s ear. The answer, which I would so like to divulge, has been expurgated from this entry for legal and financial reasons (and personal) (and sentimental). I’m sure you understand.
Besides, in terms of plotting, one shouldn’t begin with the answer, but delay and draw out suspense for as long as possible -- just to the point before fevered attention crosses over into boredom...
…which would then lead inexorably on to disgust, then indignation, and then to anger, revulsion, and finally turning into derision, condescension, followed soon by a lessening of intensity: belittled pitying, bemused toying-with, eventually trivializing, and finally bored indifference once again.
Rather the trajectory of the above sentence, this whole entry…nay, the entire blog itself (…”and leave not a [sale] rack behind…”)
What was I saying? Oh yes: The secret code is:
Ha! fooled you! You thought I’d forget about how—
1 comment:
Meister Smithy, (tovish and slithy) I saw your posts on YouTube. Was that your voice-over on The Simpsons last night? And what happened to your cameo in Babel? I thought you were cast as Goat #3.
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