Friday, November 17, 2006

Da Smitty Code II: Beat a Tatoo at 1:45

The Secret code identifying the Smitty is tattooed in the smitty’s ear!

“That’s the Smitty’s tat, yo.”

"Nice tat, my man!”

“Hey, Smit-Dog, that tat is the shit!”

[Here I must confess a dislike of the moniker “Smit-Dog” -- especially in reference to a CAT, (yo)]

Does your cat have a tat in his/her/its (cause, hey: some cats is “its”) ear?

But what is the tattoo of? Of what shape, color, and expanse?

Scanning all previously released photos of the Smee may lead to a few conclusions/theories:

1) that the tattoo is small enough to be completely hidden inside the Smitty’s ear.

2) That no one has successfully photographed the actual tattoo of the Smitty

2.5) …or has lived to tell about doing so – and the evidence is lost

2.6) …or it’s not lost but has been expurgated, suppressed, covered up

2.7) …and who would have done the covering? Opussy Dei!

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