Monday, January 29, 2007

Da Smitty Code V: Gratuitous Dead-ends

The secret code tattooed in the Smitty’s ear is not a Fibonacci sequence or its opposite, its inverse, its reverse-inverse, its square root, its cube root, cue stick, or rubik’s cube. (though it could sort of look like Versace sequins.)

Nor is this number hidden in the first letters of the words used in the following sentence:

The quick brown fox jumped up the lazy river where the flying fishes play.

The secret code cannot be obtained by guessing the meaning of a rhyming quatrain or by holding this computer screen up to a mirror.

The secret is not something to be gotten by translating the following bit of Baudelaire:

Leurs reins feconds sont plein d’etincelles magiques
Et des parcelles d’or, ainsi qu’un sable fin,
Etoilent vaguement leur prunelles mystiques.

But: all of these items have a secret correlation and significance that may or may not have anything to do with this or any other secret!

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