Friday, January 19, 2007

Da Vater Code III: Amendations & Codicils

The dispositional situation vis-a-vis the Smitty’s water, frequency of change, bowlage, etc., includes some details not heretofore covered by the bloggist or his subsidiaries. Thus, we include these amendments to the description of the Smee’s water and its environs:

1)Beneath the Smitty’s water and food is laid a tea towel, white with blue writing (“Wachenfield” – source or meaning unknown) and graphics (a cat’s face – meaning known). Said tea towel is a present from the Mister’s Sister (not that mister’s sister, but this mister’s sister).

2)Since the date of the writing of the previous blog entry – to be distinguished from the posting of said entry – the Smee has suffered the following changes to his circumstances vis-à-vis water, food, and their means of delivery:

a)the FOS bowl that formerly contained his water has been reclaimed by the kitchen staff (in particular the Saucier and hors d’oeuvres maker) and replaced, at the other Mister’s command, by a light-weight plastic “tandem”dish allowing a side-by-side presentation of food and water.

[a transcript of the mediation between the Misters about this radical change in food and water delivery systems vis-à-vis the Smee – a contentious debate striking at the very heart of the constituent issues – is available (forthcomingly – since it is still being used in a legal proceeding) at the legal division’s website]

b)I forget what I was talking about.

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