Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Da Vater Code (Part Whatever/Extra DVD Features)

Mister Smitty has a moat!
Tired of ants crawlin’ upside the Smitty’s dish and getting all jiggy with the Smitty’s foods, the Misters designed a moat system by which a charger was placed under the Smitty’s dish, fully charged with water, thus providing the eponymous aforementioned moat.
Much trial and error – and taxpayer dollars – were expended in finding exactly the right type of motational device --since the Smitty is a lusty eater and can, in the process of alimentating hisself, slide his dish from the safe center to the dangerous, ant-filled lee shore of his charger
(or brownie pan, till we had to get rid of it when it got all rusty and the water in it looked like one of those dead industrial rivers in Ohio they used to show shots of in that “Don’t Litter” commercial that climaxed with the Indian shedding a tear).
Stay tuned for the Misters’ “Final Solution” to Moat-gate.

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