Friday, February 22, 2008

The Diaspora, Part III: The Interregnum

As our gentle reader(s?) may recall from previous (tedious) blog entries, The Misters had to shuttle between their house and the Ponderosa to dog-s(h?)it.

The entirety of the experience is herein catalogued and indexed in the kind of excruciating detail one has come to expect in the (Too Much?) Information Age:

(WARNING: the following contains material suitable only for persons suffering from (The?) O.C.D., Catophilia, or any like obsession.)

Abandon all taste, ye who enter here!

DAY # 6:

Alone for many hours sans <>, the Smee could be fancy-free:

Standing up on two legs and dancing (as we know he is wont to do when no one is looking

--much in the way popes want to s(h?)it in the woods, but since no one is there it doesn’t make a sound).

But mostly, the Smitty fills his long hours away waiting for the return of any (or all) Misters by hanging with his peeps, who comfort him by imitating velvet-paintings of dogs smoking cigars and playing poker.

Mr. Smitty always wins, of course

-- and smokes the Cohiba, of course!

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