Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mister Smitty’s Peeps

Mister Smitty has peeps!

The Smitty’s peeps include:

1. Mini-Me, the small white furry smitty who perpetrates the main smitty
(hard to tell which is which in the dark, yo) and

2. the fluffy, faux-Princess smitty (bigger, tougher, greyer) who has a sweet face but who don’t get around much anymore.

Other smitties are queuing up to be part of Mister Smitty’s entourage, but at press time they had not cleared the lengthy interview and vetting process --

--“lengthy” because the “viewin’ ‘n vettin’” is done in the slim window of time when Mr. Smitty isn’t sleeping, eating, or sitting in a Mister’s lap.

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