Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Gracious Host Tales #3 Hippie-Smitty has a Sit-In

Mr. Smitty is a polite host!

When Ms. Fabulous came over for an official interview with This Mister, the Smitty was very gracious in sharing his time.

When I arrived I found Ms. Fabulous and That Mister sitting <> like a pair of hippies --

(because, obviously, we can no longer describe their sitting positions with the Perniciously Incorrect phrase, “Indian style”)

-- with Mr. Smitty sitting between them!

The Smitty is a friendly smitty to visitors. He allows close contact, occasional petting (not “heavy”), and “face time” as the politicians say…

WAIT! Is Mr. Smitty running for office?!?!

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