Friday, April 04, 2008

Mr. Smitty’s Evil Doppelganger Peep!

Just when you thought it was safe to count the Peeps in Mr. Smity’s entourage, here comes a new one!

A small black cat has been prowling the purlieus, looking to get all up in Mr. Smitty’s territory, no’m sayin?

“Mister, does that make this new one Peep #3, or Peep#2 (because Mini-me got turned into a sculpture so that makes the faux-Princess peep Peep #1)?

“Mister, huh?”

“Mister, never mind. Let’s all chant!”

Black cat! Black cat!
Evil doppelganger! anti-Christ smitty from the anti-matter universe!
And his name?

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