Monday, June 13, 2011

On Rear’n ‘N Matur’n ‘em

Mister Smitty is thinking (about what’s) outside the box!

When the honorable Smee enters a box (placed randomly for his delectation), the first thing said cosmic venturer does is to get all-up-in-der and scratch all (6) sides (doing his ludicrous calculations like a Count’em physicist).

This music is music (to The Misters’ ears).

Later, becalmed, The Smee peers out the front of the box, like a man who has only recently unchained himself from the depths of his cave, and rediscovers the many-more-than-six-sided world of those crazy Misters and their so-called reality.

-- then plunges back inside to re-scratch-ify and re-calculate what the hell is going on!

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