Thursday, August 24, 2006

Collar Questioning

The M: Mr. Smitty, Mr. Smitty, Mr. Smitty: Do you remember your red collar?

Mr.S: (quiet eyes)

The M: Did you stash it somewhere?

Mr.S: (looks away)

The M: Did you reject it because it was all synthetical?

Mr.S: (still looking away, right ear flaps)

The M: Did you hook it on something so you could get rid of it?

Mr.S: (still; no flapping)

The M: Aha! We’re getting somewhere. Did you get it hooked on something and have to get out of it in order to free yoh-salfe, Mr. Smitty?

Mr.S: (playing his cards close to his chest, as always)

The M: Was the Smitty in mortal dangers? Did the Smitty barely make it out alive? Was the Smitty a heroical Smitty?

Mr.S: (quiet eyes, letting the human express what it needs to)

The M: O Mister Smitty! (hugs the Smitty)

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