Monday, August 14, 2006

The First Time I Saw the Smitty

Actually, I actually saw the Smitty one time before he became my Smitty. I was closing up the theater and when I went to look in the Green Room, there was the Smitty lying on a blue mover’s-kine towel-thingee on top of the new washer we hadn’t installed yet.
The Smitty (not his name at that time) got up in a tired way with this look in his eyes like,

“you’re not going to really make me leave on a cold night like this, are you? “

It’s funny, cause I remember not moving – so as not to frighten the Smitty or alarm him – to let him know, I guess, that I could see he was all settled in for the night and not hurting anyone. It was sweet: my first encounter with the Smitty found me to be a kindly Mister.

Plus, I guess I thought he might catch a mouse or two that was plaguing the building at the time!

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