Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Now that The Misters are plunged into the Should-Mr.Smitty-have-a-flea-collar Crisis, it has made This Mister remember something: At one time in his early days with The Misters, Mr. Smitty HAD A COLLAR!

It was red, made of cloth like those white cloth belts we had in the 70’s with the two chrome-colored rings you’d loop the belt through? (kind of like the Boy Scouts belts -- ‘cept they were khaki, know-what-I’m-sayin’? yeah…yeah.) But Mr. Smitty’s red collar was all synthetical and shiny like the new belts you get today with the chrome rings but are not made of dull cotton anymore but are plasticky and all multi-colored and…

What happened to that red collar?

I’ll ask Mr. Smitty!

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