Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Not Enough Womb
Limp-wristed Tales Part II: The curiousness of The Smee’s well-documented practice of bending his front leg back under he-self certainly flummoxes and perplexifies!
As far as we know, he is the only smitty in history (or maybe just his story) to do so!
Yearning for meaning (or maybe just yawning), experts posit that this wrist-limpification is perhaps a practice he developed in utero because there wasn’t enough womb.
[ ! – ed.]
Monday, December 19, 2011
A Prayerful Smee
Mister Smitty likes to pray!
Laying on his side, The Smee rolls a bit onto his back and drops his wee front paws over at the wrist –
“Mister, do cats have wrists?”
“Mister, I don’t know. But if so, then in this position they are limp-wristed.”
While this genuine reflection of devotion happens regularly, it’s not like going to matinees on a Vespa or anything.
“Mister, what’s he praying about?”
“He’s probably saying, ‘please deliver me from the idiocy of my Misters.’”
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Mister Smitty communes with the moon!
As a moon worshipper, or “Moonie,” Mister Smitty gets hisself a front row seat when the moon gets all waxy and full. There, he can bathe -- completely luned – in its smitty-white beams!
The Smee’s moon ministrations (secret, Wiccan) cannot be discussed here, but as photos of his practices (already, sadly, leaked to the conventional press) indicate, most of his secret practices are internal; only a few odd postures and quirky jumps can be construed as… lunar tics.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Happy B-Day Mister Smitty!!!!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Mr. Smitty’s Academy, Part III: Seminars, Colloquia, et al.
The Black Hole of Cat-cultcha’ Distinguished purr-fessor of Cat-Astrophysics, Meister Schmittee – outstanding in his field (where classes are conducted) – selects rising seniors for a seminar in unified field-sitting, string and yarn theory, and relativ-kitty.
Mousy Tongue: Revolutionary Cookery from Wildcrafted Vermin Have you ever thought about pausing before devouring your raw mouse to consider various slow-cooking possibilities? This course is for you. Discover the pleasures of heat, evisceration, deep-fry, and various parfait-style preparations.
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Mr. Smitty’s Academy, Part II: Courses Offered
Tongue Bathing 101: An introduction to the basic labial skills required for cleansing, grooming, de-knotting, de-gnatting, being natty, and anal hygiene. May be taken for credit in Linguistics.
Spatial Sabotage and Counterinsurgency: Students will cover the relevant history, famous battles, etc. to prepare them for the experiential portion of the course, which includes strategic self-placement in high traffic areas (in front of kitchen sink, in the middle of the bed, etc.) swift, stealthy insertions to vex and disrupt, and the basics of kitchen insurgency. Required for the degree in Cat-astrophy.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Mr. Smitty’s, an elite school for cats Part I: from the course Cat-alogue
Mr. Smitty, aware of his vast talents, has decided to share his gifts with the world for a small fee. Let’s look through some of the courses offered:
Adventure Sleeping: This rigorous experiential course requires sleeping in all sorts of outdoor locations, precarious perches, hard, soft, wet surfaces.
Course instructor: Dr. Smee-gmund Smee, Ph.dy - Du.dy. Prerequisite: Catnapping 101.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Escape from the Bathroom!
In the shower, sensing the great outdoors is near, The Smitty scours the shower floor looking for the gateway.
“I can smell it!”
But a thin veil separates The Smee from the olfactory paradise winking at him (nasally speaking) from the beyond. He looks up at The Misters with a look that says –
[oh no, here comes the anthropomorphizing again! – ed.]
[you know, if it weren’t for the existence of brackets, yo, you wouldn’t exist – other ed.]
(silence of --“ed.”)
Anyway, he has the same puzzled look that The Smee has.
Q.E.D., yo.
Friday, October 07, 2011
The Storm
All wind, no Smee.
Then, no electricity.
All day:
Smee on couch.
Because of no electricity, The Misters enjoyed “All-Smee TV.” Nestled on the couch, they were rapt by programs like “Cleanin’ Myself” (one of those DIY shows), “How to make a sculpture of myself by sitting still” (meditational programming), and “Watch me Bend my Leg Back Funny” (sit-com).
Friday, September 30, 2011
Mister Smitty and the Conservation of Mass
Query: Where does cat hair go when it is expelled from The Smitty (copiously, obviously) and then vacuumed, swept, or otherwise inhaled by The Misters?
Since nothing disappears (but suffers a sea change, rich and strange, yo), then are The Smee’s hairs coalescing to form some great Taj Mahal of Smee hair? And if so, where?
Hair trackers have been deputed to follow the lissome trail of The Smee’s ephemeral leavings.
“We shall read their prophecies anon, yo.”
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Dis Closure
I like the Smitty!
My devotion is religious in nature: I believe that close contact with the ins-’n-outs of The Smitty’s daily round are as significant as anything that can be experienced on this plane (and its connecting flights).
For this reason, I write the Dao de Smee (these blogs) as light-hearted vectors pointing toward the ever evanescent present.
Do you know who taught me all these pretty things? My Smitty!
Friday, September 09, 2011
Smee Smack
Mister Smitty was misfed!
An unfortunate hiatus occurred in the Smee’s dietary regimen: he had no dry food for a day and was fed only wet food!
O the humanity! I mean, the Feline-nanity!
Fearing a “fiber gap,” The Misters scramble, but the Smee is unrelenting in his now rapacious desire for wet food.
“I’ll feed him as small (sob) an amount as I dare (sob)…
Ten minutes later, The Smee is again poised before his dish … as though nothing has happened!
“Psychological counseling! Intervention! Call the Wet Food Addicts Hotline!”
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Social Just Us
Mister Smitty is a social climber!
He climbed up the monolith (kind of like the black monolith in 2001: a Space Odyssey but painted orange and full of shelves) to perch on a palette of Perrier ©, to peek between jars of pasta sauce, to nose the cylinders of canned air, etc.
“Mister, he movin’ on up t’ the East Side, yo, to a D-lux orange- monolith in d-sky.”
“That, or he’s on rat patrol.”
(The Misters have had several Close Encounters of the Vermin Kind in and about the monolith’s nooks and crannies.)
You go, Mister Smee!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Mister Smitty has been scarred!
[obviously, from living with obsequiously attentive Misters – ed.]
“No, G: he’s got battle scars.”
And they are spectakulah: all upside his face (trans.: top of his head, just under the ear).
Attempts to apply Neosporin © were erased five minutes later by The Smee, scrappin’ to protect his turf, fightin’ for his right … to POTTY!
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Dirty Smitty & The Case of the Big Rain
Mister Smitty is a dirty smiity!
After the big rain he came mewing back to the porch all striped up with dirt like a tiger
Though not wet! Curious…
A little blood on his face (right whiskers) was a conundrum for his handlers and press people until This Mister spied a small black cat picking his way through the wet tall grass from whence came the dirty striped Smee!
Did the rain force The Smee to defend his territory? Did one of his peeps do him dirty?
Scar-struck Mister Smitty has been scarred!
[obviously, from living with obsequiously attentive Misters – ed.]
“No, G: he’s got battle scars.”
And they are spectakulah: all upside his face (trans.: top of his head, just under the ear).
Attempts to apply Neosporin © were erased five minutes later by The Smee, scrappin’ to protect his turf, fightin’ for his right … to POTTY!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Fizz Ed.
A distinguished think tank (with a few whizz kids thrown in to upset the pipe-smoking bearded types therein) have been tasked with exploring the possible past, future, and parallel lives being lived by The Smitty.
Was he a human in a past life, trying to contact us with info? A request? Or are we limiting our imaginations to paltry anthropomorphizing for our own aggrandizement?
[multisyllabic Latinate word alert? –ed.]
[distracting interruption alert? – other ed.]
[somebody’s got too short an attention span for speculative inquiries, huh? -- ed.]
[or somebody’s a dilletantish sycophant enthralled by big word-tossers! – other ed.]
TO BE CONTINUED (oh, great: the exciting “Battle of the [--ed]s”)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
From Scratch
Mister Smitty is crazy (for a good scratching)!
When The Smitty espies a convenient Mister approaching (either one will do … are there even two?), he stands up on the office chair, puts his front feet on the seat back over his head, and spreads his legs (as if to be frisked) so as to allow plenty scratching of his copious stomachs and chestal areas.
Elated, he stretches his head back (to look at the scratching mister) like some 40’s pin-up doll (which he is).
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
In the (Upper) Bored Room
“Please come to order!”
(We’ve snuck into a board meeting : penthouse windows, laptops at every seat)
“First report for the chairman?”
Mister Smitty, (aka “The Chairman”) in an excessively over-padded office chair, sleeps.
Insiders tell us that these meeting follow strict protocols (here described):
1) Do not report any fluctuations in expenses, revenues, etc. that shall disturb The Smee.
2) If The Smee stirs, proceed with clear hearts, desist from petty internicene arguments about payscale, seniority, office space, etc. – in short, anything that The Smee (in his infinite wisdom) will not cotton to.
3) Adjourn at first sign that The Smee gets a notion to eat or adventurize.
“Meeting adjourned!”
Monday, June 13, 2011
On Rear’n ‘N Matur’n ‘em
Mister Smitty is thinking (about what’s) outside the box!
When the honorable Smee enters a box (placed randomly for his delectation), the first thing said cosmic venturer does is to get all-up-in-der and scratch all (6) sides (doing his ludicrous calculations like a Count’em physicist).
This music is music (to The Misters’ ears).
Later, becalmed, The Smee peers out the front of the box, like a man who has only recently unchained himself from the depths of his cave, and rediscovers the many-more-than-six-sided world of those crazy Misters and their so-called reality.
-- then plunges back inside to re-scratch-ify and re-calculate what the hell is going on!
Monday, June 06, 2011
‘Someone’ is Waiting
When The Misters want to refer to the Smee without saying his name, they say things like:
“Mister, ‘Someone’ is drinking his water!” “Mister, ‘Someone’ is showering” (meaning when he sits person-like in the middle of the room and commence-ifies to lick hisself all over). “Mister, ‘Someone’ is eating his grasses.” “Mister, ‘Someone’ is hunting.” “Mister, ‘Someone’ is praying.” “Mister, ‘Someone’—
[--is pulling the plug on this inane blog post –ed.]
“Mister, ‘Someone’ is drinking his water!” “Mister, ‘Someone’ is showering” (meaning when he sits person-like in the middle of the room and commence-ifies to lick hisself all over). “Mister, ‘Someone’ is eating his grasses.” “Mister, ‘Someone’ is hunting.” “Mister, ‘Someone’ is praying.” “Mister, ‘Someone’—
[--is pulling the plug on this inane blog post –ed.]
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The Bees’ Needs
Alarmed by the precipitous and calamitous decrease in the world’s bee population, the Smee does his part by cavorting with the bees!
As though they were depicted in a children’s book, gamboling and frolicking amongst each other’s claws and stingers, the Bees & Smee wile away these last remaining moments we have on earth together in a harmonious tandem of buzzing and swirling.
As though they were depicted in a children’s book, gamboling and frolicking amongst each other’s claws and stingers, the Bees & Smee wile away these last remaining moments we have on earth together in a harmonious tandem of buzzing and swirling.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Call me’ e-mail
A cry in the night!
Is it the Smee? Is it a fight? To the finish?
The Misters run to the railings, gunwales, the mizzen mast, to the fo’c’s’le, but all is black … as a black cat! But all is quiet on the nor’eastern-sou’western fronts.
“saw the wee black cat at sundown” comes the ringing from amidships.
“saw the faux-Princess crossing into the southern forest,” says the sextant.
Meanwhile The Misters pace the quarter deck and brood. Then, turning of a sudden to the crew they bark:
“Have ye see the White Smee!?”
Friday, May 13, 2011
Jar’d ‘n ‘e air
Mister Smitty likes to garden!
Apart from his large-scale farming endeavors (see jolly tractor photo), The Smee enjoys recreational gardening. Whenever This Mister descends to inspect-ify the plants
(read: avoid reading papers),
The Smitty comes to assist!
But most of all he likes to get right in the middle of the gardening table and plop down next to the trowel. This keeps the essential gardening tools, pots -- yea, the great table itself – from flying off into space.
Thank you, Mr. Smee!
Thursday, May 05, 2011
I Want to Play a Game...
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Sly Maneuvers
Mister Smitty likes to divide and conquer!
Like a child who’s learned to play one parent against the other, the Smitty will pull any and all of his cute maneuvers
(for a complete list of same, see “The Whole Smee Cat (a log)” )
a wink, a figure 8 weaving of the legs, a gentle “mao” etc. – in order to get the scratching/combing/brushing/feeding/watering or lap-riding he feels he so richly deserves.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
The Name of the Smee, Part IV
Crowds gathered (and chanting madly) have now been determined to be not so much in wait of the Smitty’s first name being revealed (soon, soon) but in opposition to the continuance of this drawn-out miniseries, indulging our time and frustrating the quickly dwindling readership of our fan(s?).
With that in mind, let us proceed then to knock down the door (incite riot here) plunge inside, and –
-- but there’s no one here! They’ve all gone: taken the secret name and vamoosed the camp. They’ve even taken the camp: there’s no building here anymore in which a slot can deliver the secret name, I, your trusty reporter am likewise no longer --
[at this point the transmission cuts off – ed.]
Friday, April 08, 2011
The Name of the Smee, Part Three
Possible first names in the mix include nicknames (or the “speakable” names of the Smee) culled from the vast archives:
The Smitty, The Smee, Mr. Smee, The Smit-ational Device, Comrade Smitski, Xmi-te, Bruddah Smee, Monsieur Smitte, etc.
Of these, experts posit that the truth lies somewhere in the mid “L” -- but experts have been unable to locate the “L’ and so perhaps are misguided.
We’ll take this break and be back as soon as a paper is waved through that slot indicating the posting of the unspeakable (first) name of the Smee is spoken (on paper).
Roger, is that white smoke I’m seeing issuing from the relevant chimney?
The Name of the Smee, Part IV
Possible first names in the mix include nicknames (or the “speakable” names of the Smee) culled from the vast archives:
The Smitty, The Smee, Mr. Smee, The Smit-ational Device, Comrade Smitski, Xmi-te, Bruddah Smee, Monsieur Smitte, etc.
Of these, experts posit that the truth lies somewhere in the mid “L” -- but experts have been unable to locate the “L’ and so perhaps are misguided.
We’ll take this break and be back as soon as a paper is waved through that slot indicating the posting of the unspeakable (first) name of the Smee is spoken (on paper).
Roger, is that white smoke I’m seeing issuing from the relevant chimney?
The Name of the Smee, Part IV
Friday, March 25, 2011
The Name of the Smee, Part II
We are live outside the executive offices of Mr. Smitty’s blog for what is promised to be the revelation of the ne’er-to-fore spoken first name of the Smee.
While we wait for the first printout of the soon-to-be revealing posting, let’s go to our roundtable (please join our video conference) of Mr. Smitty experts.
First let’s go to professor Popoki, of Bahda U., author of, a webring of discussion groups who dissect and analyze the blog postings of this website.
“Eh tanks brah. How you stay? You know we have the local-kine slant on stuffs so we look to interpret clues that relate to the ‘aina, yah? You know what is: “location, location, location”? Well, you could translate ‘em as: “da ‘aina, da ‘aina, da ‘aina,” yeah?
Anyway, we stay ready to translate the unspeakable (wen broke da mouth) name local-style, bumbai.”
Next, it’s professor Dat Wright, Flip Wilson Professor of Ebonics at the University of Nuffsaid.
“Yo, check it: Mr. Smitty has GOT to –
[in the immortal words of Polonius: “This is too long.” –ed. We will return at the first sign of content]
[Is that a promise? – other ed.]
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Confusions have been swirling in the streets!
In some quarters, rumors abound concerning Mister Smitty’s first name (which they consider a secret held by this site (its subsidiaries, heirs, and aasigns) to be revealed only in that most tedious of ways, the Multi-Part Series.
Let’s recall some of those most dreaded multi-parted serieses, shall we?: There was the oh-(not)so-clever “Da Smitty Code,” the suspenseful “Plastic Trash Bag Mystery” (or was it “misery”?) and that most loathed of all multi-parters: “Da Vater Code” – a misguided attempt by bloggists to wrap the conundrum of the Smitty’s water drinking preferences inside the enigma of physics, weights and measures, etc. (Archimedes, passim).
[read it quickly, before it’s expunged! – ed.]
Let it be said here that we intend no such depressing multi-partem postings. We understand from our chatrooms, comments, and snail-mail letters (including one composed of letters cut from magazines) that these serieses are odious in the extreme.
Nevertheless, since we have at present wandered so far afield of our purpose that we must apologize, we must cut this posting off at the head, lest it grow longer.
Sadly, the quest for the illusively unspeakable (first) name of the Smitty is –
T- B- C-NT-N--D!
In some quarters, rumors abound concerning Mister Smitty’s first name (which they consider a secret held by this site (its subsidiaries, heirs, and aasigns) to be revealed only in that most tedious of ways, the Multi-Part Series.
Let’s recall some of those most dreaded multi-parted serieses, shall we?: There was the oh-(not)so-clever “Da Smitty Code,” the suspenseful “Plastic Trash Bag Mystery” (or was it “misery”?) and that most loathed of all multi-parters: “Da Vater Code” – a misguided attempt by bloggists to wrap the conundrum of the Smitty’s water drinking preferences inside the enigma of physics, weights and measures, etc. (Archimedes, passim).
[read it quickly, before it’s expunged! – ed.]
Let it be said here that we intend no such depressing multi-partem postings. We understand from our chatrooms, comments, and snail-mail letters (including one composed of letters cut from magazines) that these serieses are odious in the extreme.
Nevertheless, since we have at present wandered so far afield of our purpose that we must apologize, we must cut this posting off at the head, lest it grow longer.
Sadly, the quest for the illusively unspeakable (first) name of the Smitty is –
T- B- C-NT-N--D!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Mister Smee is in the box!
Mister Smitty likes to get hisself all up inside boxes (when, in the course of porch events, they occur)
“Mister, to state the obvious, it’s like the womb!”
Return to paradise. Return to forever. Paradise now. Jump here for eternity. If I could hold time in a bottle…
“Mister, it’s like packaged purring!”
Friday, March 04, 2011
Insane Posse of Clowns
Friday, February 25, 2011
Mister Smitty likes the BBQ!
All (the live-long) day the Smee lounged under the table upon which perches the small BBQ grill.
This being summer, the afforded shade there keeps his delicate pink ears of the Smee from developing the sores that lead to You-Know-What-ectomies.
Even when we rolled out the shank of the evening, did the Smee remain ‘neath the warming coals (though the flying sparks concerned the Misters mightily).
Mr. Smee!
All (the live-long) day the Smee lounged under the table upon which perches the small BBQ grill.
This being summer, the afforded shade there keeps his delicate pink ears of the Smee from developing the sores that lead to You-Know-What-ectomies.
Even when we rolled out the shank of the evening, did the Smee remain ‘neath the warming coals (though the flying sparks concerned the Misters mightily).
Mr. Smee!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sneezy Smitty
Mister Smitty sneezed on my foot!
The Misters were returning a bit late (6 PM) for the Smitty’s main feeding time (3:30).
“I’m shutting off the motor so we can hear the Smitty’s plaintive cooing.”
(which decodes as: “I’m hella hungry, yo. Where you been?”)
“Hi Mister Smee!” (wicked retarded waving of hands by the Misters).
“Mr. Smee!”
“Mao. Mao”
“Mr. Smee”
[repeat chorus endlessly – ed.] [less sarcasm in the sweet moments, eh? – other ed.]
And then the Smitty sneezed on me.
It was a lusty, full-nosed sneeze that landed on my mostly bare Teva©-covered feet.
“Mister, now that the Smee has sneezed on me, I‘ll never wash my foot.”
The Misters were returning a bit late (6 PM) for the Smitty’s main feeding time (3:30).
“I’m shutting off the motor so we can hear the Smitty’s plaintive cooing.”
(which decodes as: “I’m hella hungry, yo. Where you been?”)
“Hi Mister Smee!” (wicked retarded waving of hands by the Misters).
“Mr. Smee!”
“Mao. Mao”
“Mr. Smee”
[repeat chorus endlessly – ed.] [less sarcasm in the sweet moments, eh? – other ed.]
And then the Smitty sneezed on me.
It was a lusty, full-nosed sneeze that landed on my mostly bare Teva©-covered feet.
“Mister, now that the Smee has sneezed on me, I‘ll never wash my foot.”
Friday, February 04, 2011
Explorers Day
Mister Smitty is an explorer!
He’s even now as we speak in the (great) Northern Woods!
Just past the “clubhouse” -- t’other side of the single floating string of barbed wire -- lie the great Northern Woods (where horses have been wont to roam and from whence, in a storied yesteryear, a cat (we) named “Mini Me” (see The Compleat History of Mister Smitty’s Peeps, Volume 1) used to issue hisself.
This foray into the Northern Woods marks a deeper level of cavort-ation on the part of the Smee, who has not been seen to have penetrated said woods to such an extent heretofore.
Will he keep going until he reaches the tennis court, or more: till he circumnavigate the globe?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
A Bit(e) Gamey
Mister Smitty got a mouse!
He brought it up to the most heavily-trafficked spot on the porch to present to his Misters. (Luckily I slung the door shut before being so richly gifted with live game.)
He played with the wee sleekit tim’rous beastie for awhile before picking him up and taking him down to the killing floor (the grass at the bottom of the stairs where the Smee has consumed all but one of his dark materials).
“We should erect a scoreboard down on the killing floor.”
“It would say Birds 4, Rodents 4.
“That’s what I call a dead (h)eat!”
Sunday, January 23, 2011
On the Whiteness of the Smee
Thursday, January 06, 2011
Ask Mr. Smitty!
Due to the overwhelming # of cards and letters (all virtual) pleading with us to “Ask the Smee,” we hearby inaugurate a new web service for our devoted readers:
Ask the Smee!
Due to the backlog of questions already amassed (we’ve had to rent an entire second floor at the corporate offices to store the requests (lovingly transferred to hard copy by order of the Library of Congress (scholars take note)), your newly submitted questions may have to wait as long as 3.14 years before being answered.
But do not fear!
All questions are assigned a ping pong ball and are gleefully spun in an see-through cage by a handsome assistant (“headspinner”) and questions are selected at random. This means –
[they know what “random” means – ed.]
Ok then, ‘nuff said.
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